
100% Guarantee on all tickets

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee:

  • You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:
  • Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
  • Your order was accepted but not shipped in time for the event.
  • Your tickets were not valid for entry.

We strive to offer the best tickets with the best selection and best service in the industry. There are many places you can buy from so make sure you buy from a company you can trust and one that treats you with the respect you deserve. We have complete confidence in our ticket suppliers and have done our research to make sure the people we deal with are simply the best in the business. This allows us the confidence to offer you a 100% guarantee on your ticket purchases.

Our guarantee covers your ticket purchase price. Your order must first be confirmed in order to be covered by the 100% Guarantee. Online orders are not confirmed until a TheaterTickets.com representative has reviewed the order and verified the tickets are available. This happens on all orders very quickly so you will know right away. It is a very rare situation where two buyers are buying the exact same tickets from us at the exact same time. We reserve the right to deduct the shipping cost from your refund if the tickets you are requesting a refund for were received by you. TheaterTickets.com’s sole obligation or liability for undelivered tickets on orders shall be limited to our 100% guarantee.

But we do not stop there. You also have our 100% guarantee if the event you purchased tickets for is cancelled and not rescheduled.

Verifiable proof must be provided in written letter form from the venue. Written or stamped “voids” do not constitute verifiable proof. If you would like more information on our policies you can read them here: http://buy.theatertickets.com/policies