Broadway shows for kids
If you are in New York City and love the theater and want to take the kids with you, here are some of the best Broadway shows for kids. It is always fun to bring the kids to a show with you and see the expression on their faces when they are watching the performance. It is wonderful to expose kids to the arts and Broadway provides one of the best venues for that but let’s face it not every show on Broadway is something you want the kids to see
Luckily there are quite a few excellent Broadway shows for kids playing right now. If you are going with younger kids Matilda, The Lion King, or Aladdin, are excellent picks. For older kids, Wicked, School of Rock, or Hamilton are great choices.
Based on the Book by Roald Dahl, Matilda is about a very smart young girl who has a terrible family life. She goes to a horrible school with a mean principal but winds up with a very nice teacher who believes in her. She helps her to learn and grow and in the meantime Matilda discovers she has special powers she is able to use against the mean adults in her life. It is an award winning, very entertaining, show and something the kids and adults alike will love. For more info you can go check out the official website of the show.
Both The Lion King and Aladin are Disney shows which should be enough to say that they are made especially for kids. Disney doesn’t do anything low quality so you can rest assured that seeing one of these shows will be a very enjoyable time at the theater. They are both based on the Disney movies of the same titles. They also have touring shows around the world and have won many awards. All this to say kids all over the world have loved these performances. Seeing them on Broadway means the actors will be at the top of their game so go knowing you will enjoy the show.
If you have older kids or teenagers then the best Broadway shows for kids of that age would beSchool of Rock, Wicked, and Hamilton the Musical.
I have written a synopsis of Wicked here: School of Rock is the same idea as the movie of that name with Jack Black. A group of young kids with an excellent music teacher who inspires them and helps them overcome challenges through the love and learning of Rock and Roll. It is a wonderfully entertaining show. Hamilton is a show about the Founding Father without a Father who worked a lot harder and was a lot smarter then the others at that time and became a huge influence for our nation including founding the financial system we and many other countries still use to this day. But don’t worry it is not dry history, it is a Hip Hop filled journey that has created a phenomenon so big that is very hard to get tickets (of course we always have them on our site).
Broadway is expensive and there are a lot of shows to see so it would help to know which ones are great for watching with kids. If you want to see a Broadway show for kids I hope this list has helped narrow things down. As always enjoy the show.